30 April 2011

Take a ride with me

Well, I had an idea, but I lost it. Then, I had another idea, and I lost it too. That's what happens when you put things off like I do! You forget something that you thought was a stellar idea.

Today, I went to Six Flags Over Texas with some family members (it's not too far, and I have a season pass), and I had a blast! Of course, the season pass has a huge LINE running through the middle of my face, but that's the printer's fault, and it's ok. I didn't get parking on my pass either, so I have to pay every time I go (yuck) but...it's my parents' money...so I guess I shouldn't complain.

I rode "The New Texas Titan"...they took the oldest surviving wooden coaster and added in some more modern steel components....and it was totally awesome (but not as awesome as the Titan or the Flashback or Mr. Freeze or Batman). Also rode The Rocket- it moves forward and backward in a pendulum sort of motion, but it doesn't stop on the side, it keeps swinging farther and farther up, until you end up going upside-down and hanging in limbo for a few seconds before completely going over. I hate it. I love coasters, but I hate the Rocket....but I still ride it. What can I say, I'm a coaster junkie! (haha, double entendre x 2...I convinced someone to buy coasters because I didn't want to put drinks on their table!! I have a lot of coasters myself, lol.) Here, I'm speaking of roller coasters. I love them. Yes, very much so. ♥♥♥

The only killer is the walking. You know, you have to climb the stairs at every ride, and they don't exactly put all the entrances close together. I'll definitely be paying for this tomorrow!! (today?). I'll be feeling it!! I can already feel it!! Not positively anticipating how sore I'll be....but I'll just use the time to get my psychology take-home exams done

I'll have everything for that class finished, and I'll have everything for social work class finished once I go to class Monday, so I've not got much left, besides economics (ew) before finals week. If I disappear, economics devoured me. It's that evil. It's on the dark side. And I can't hide. I have to finish it to graduate.

Graduation. August! And I only have 1 class for the first half of the summer, Tuesday nights (and, of course, my internship). I'm looking forward to going to St. Peters, Missouri in July (yay!) and....they have a Six Flags there too!! Theirs is great because Hurricane Harbor, a waterpark, is actually connected, instead of charging an extra fee. Texas needs to make it that way ,because it's soooo darn hot, especially in July and August, and a lot of people end up having problems in the heat. Luckily, today was a nice day. Summer hasn't hit yet. Not quite anyway, but we're getting warmer this year much quicker than usual.

Anyway, after we come back, I have another class in the (late) morning during the 2nd five week summer session, starting in July. I'll also still have my Tuesday class, because it's an eleven-week summer session course. I'm looking forward to the psychology because.....well, because it's psychology!! Unfortunately, I'm not looking forward to it because I'm the lazy arse that likes to stay in bed until noon. Yea, I'm lazy. Very much so. Not something to be proud of, but that's me I guess. That's why I'll be feeling the effects of walking more than normal tomorrow. Save me!!

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