To be honest, he is the only client with whom I've prayed, and it was upon his request. Tonight was the third time. Typically, it's that he will do well when he goes home on pass, and will be able to keep his mind on doing well, instead of focusing on his fear of relapsing. He said he's never heard anyone put it that way before. To look forward, instead of looking back in that hole and worrying about falling back in, to keep climbing out of the hole, to keep working on it, since he's made it this far, and he's got people there for him.
I won't be there when he gets "coined out," which is the way a client is typically released from treatment, it's a thing where all the clients say something positive to the client that is leaving, and usually a lot of staff members join in. I won't be there the day before he leaves. He said he's gonna miss me when he leaves, and he wants to coin me out (what?) before he leaves, so he wants to do that on Monday. He tried to get me to jump on board for working with the outpatient group that the guys get put in when they leave the residential part of the program, but alas, that is the one night a week I have class (seriously).
He said he likes talking to me because I give things from an unusual perspective, one that is different from the perspective the other counselors give, and that he thinks I'll make a good counselor.
Which is good, because that's what I'd like to do.
One of my things that I mentioned, today, when I was working with someone else talking about things one can do to feel better about themselves, I mentioned that for me, it helps to help someone else. (no, these two people didn't talk to each other!!)
I came home feeling good tonight. It's a great feeling. I love this. I love what I do. I love making a difference.
"Be the change you wish to see in the world"
-Mahatma Gandhi
im having issues with this i trying to get help.was nice reading a positive entry. keep putting things in an outterly prespective so people can see that there are in fact a lot more roads to drive through in dificult times.
This is what i seek in DT. an outta perspective so i can beat my one down or compare it with someone Else's,talk about me without being judged. cling on this positive writing.its what we all need.talking openly always helps
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